And the Liebster Award Nominations go to…

I was happy to receive a Liebster Award Nomination a few days back (thanks again, Maggiemayq!). Here is her original post: If you’ve never heard of blog awards before, here is a good description of what they’re all about.

This particular award is given to new bloggers or those with less than 200 followers. It is a way for bloggers to give recognition to fellow bloggers. Man, it was hard choosing blogs to nominate because there are so many great ones out there.

liebsteraward-copy1 the-rules1

Here are the questions that Maggiemayq wrote, and my answers.

Q: What is your favourite word?

A: In English something like helter-skelter or mishmash. Words like that are fun.

Q: If you could be in two places at once, where would you be?

A: In a London club and on a tropical island somewhere with my family

Q: What do you think is the most awesome job in the world?

A: Blogging?

Q: If you could be an animal what would you be?

A: A cat. I’ve got the same attitude problem and I love to curl up somewhere warm doing nothing.

Q: Who was your biggest role model when growing up?

A: Probably Madonna. I still admire her.

Q: If you could be president or country leader for one day, what would your biggest change be?

A: Depends on the country. If it were Finland I’d probably raise the taxes on stuff like sweets and make fruit and vegetable more affordable. The big things are pretty much okay here.

Q: What was the last song that was stuck on your brain?

A: An old Finnish pop song: “Meistä tuli naapureita” by Turo’s Hevi Gee. My five-year-old heard it in daycare the other day and repeated it all night. The next day I had myself a nice little earworm.

Q: If you had to listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A: Wow, that’s a difficult one. Maybe Utopia by Goldfrapp. It’s beautiful. Or something classical with a lot of layers.

Q: What is your favourite time of the day?

A: If I’ve managed to get up, early morning, especially in the summer.

Q: What is your favourite smell/scent?

A: Pine trees on a hot summer’s day

Q: If you could dance with anyone in the world who would it be?

A: This would have to be Philip Seymor Hoffman. If you have to be alive to qualify, perhaps I’d go for Joaquin Phoenix.

Here are the blogs that I’ve nominated. In the spirit of the award I tried to pick new(ish) blogs that I found interesting and well written. The emphasis is on the Blogging 101 participants, since that was the best way for me to discover others who have only recently started. Some of them have been around slightly longer. Some of them are very new and this is my way of saying: keep writing! You’ve got a good thing going!

All these blogs were a pleasure to read, so check them out!

  1. Nothing but Nerd (
  2. Just Blank Pages (
  3. Wise Quirks (
  4. Views of Venus (
  5. This Girls’s Bucket List (
  6. Wild Currents (
  8. Lovethroughmyblueeyes (
  9. Multilingual Shades (
  10. Up the Mountain and Down Again (
  11. Scatterbot Blog (

And here are my questions.

  1. What made you start blogging?
  2. Are you an indoor or an outdoor person at heart?
  3. If you could make one wish to change the world, what would it be?
  4. What’s your pet peeve?
  5. What would you recommend that I read next?
  6. If you were the DJ, which record would you play?
  7. What did you dream of when you were ten years old?
  8. Have you experienced love at first sight? Doesn’t have to be with a person.
  9. What is your favorite musical instrument? (you don’t have to know how to play it)
  10. Who is the most inspiring person you know? Why?
  11. What do you consider your personal super food?

Good luck everyone, and don’t take this too seriously! Taking part is optional, but I’d love to hear your answers.

19 thoughts on “And the Liebster Award Nominations go to…

  1. Such a nice idea the thing with the “Liebster Blog Award” and so good that you listed all nominated blogs, so for your readers (like me) there are new Blog-ideas to check them out 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the nomination, Laura! And congratulations to you for your award, as well 🙂 I’m excited to check out your blog and also get going on your questions 😀


  3. What made you start blogging? I signed up to Net Galley and they suggested that Publishers like reviews to be posted on blog sites. If you do that you may get approved for free kindle books more often.

    Are you an indoor or an outdoor person at heart? I think a little of both In Texas during July and August you are much more comfortable indoors in A/C LOL

    If you could make one wish to change the world, what would it be? No wars EVER

    What’s your pet peeve? People that never seem to see that many hands make light work

    What would you recommend that I read next? The Boys in the Boat..non fiction fabulous read

    If you were the DJ, which record would you play? All of John Denver songs He was the man with the perfect pitch and he was gone too soon

    What did you dream of when you were ten years old? Being an ice skater!

    Have you experienced love at first sight? Doesn’t have to be with a person.

    What is your favorite musical instrument? (you don’t have to know how to play it) Piano and violin. Violin because it always sounds haunting

    Who is the most inspiring person you know? Why?My bible study ladies group. They are so spiritual and continue to strive to have a deep relationship with Jesus despite their many trials.

    What do you consider your personal super food? Anything chocolate!!


  4. Wow. I never knew such kind of awards existed. This is more interesting to read. I really love this. It’s indeed a great way to network strongly with one another. I really love your Blog Laura.
    Keep it up. 🙂 🙂


    1. I like your blog, too! I actually considered nominating you but then I figured that your blog looks so professional that you must have been around for a while and the Liebster one is for newbies. You can consider this my personal awesome professional-looking blog award. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Laura. Well I am still new to wordpress. I only moved recently from blogger to wordpress. though i have some little experience with designs. 🙂
        Am a little bit confused. How do i get in with this one? Am really interested, and what are the rules./ Cheers.


      2. Someone who’s received the award reads your blog and decides to nominate you. That’s pretty much all there is to it. I’ve actually got another award that I need to blog at some later date, I’ll put you down for that one. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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